
Showing posts from July, 2022
 CASE SCENARIO  01,JULY,2022 Pt aged 45 years female came to opd with chief complaints of Bilateral pedal edema  and SOB HOPI Pt presented with bilateral pedal edema (pitting type) and SOB since 2 weeks HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  NO H/O -:                  DM                   HTN                    TB                   BRONCHIAL ASTHMA  TREATMENT HISTORY  .NO SIGNIFICANT HISTORY  PERSONAL HISTORY  .Married  .mixed diet  .normal bowel habit  GENERAL EXAMINATION  NO pallor         .icterus         .cynosis         .lymphadenopathy         .clubbing  PHYSICAL EXAMINATION-: .temperature-:afibrile  .pulse rate  -:82/min .resp rate -:18/min  .Bp             -:90/70  SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION  CVS-;          S1,S2 HEARD          NO MURMERS  RESPIRATORY SYSTEM-:          No dyspnea            No wheeze            Position of trachea -;central  ABDOMEN-:           Shape scaphoid            Tenderness in right lumber region            No palpable mass             No palpable spleen and liver  CNS-: