
Showing posts from June, 2022
GENERAL MEDICINE CASE PRESENTATION  CASE SCENARIO  28,JUNE,2022 Pt aged 28 years female house wife came to opd with chief complaints of loose stools since 20 days associated with abdominal pain and generalised  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  It was asymptomatic 30 days back then when  stools started which is less in quantity assosiated with abdominal pain that relevied after patting stools not associated with any blood in stools associated with generalised weakness  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  She visted 3 hospitals for same reason in past 15 days   No H/o DM, HTN, Asthma , epilepsy, TB .  she had 3 c section before . TREATMENT HISTORY  NO history of previous medication  PERSONAL HISTORY  Married  Mixed diet  Loss of appetite  Irregular bowel habit  Regular mensus  FAMILY HISTORY  NO H/O :-HTN,DM ,EPILEPSY ,TB  GENERAL EXAMINATION  NO pallor         .icterus         .cynosis         .lymphadenopathy         .clubbing  PHYSICAL EXAMINATION-: .temperature-:afibrile  .pulse rate  -:82/min .resp
GENERAL MEDICINE CASE PRESENTATION  CASE SCENARIO  A male 55 years old patient farmer by occupation came to opd with chief complaints of numbness of hands, knee pains, tremors  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  Numbness of hands and and nerve weakness,pain in the knee since 10 years   HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  Pt was met with an accident 10 years back resulting in cervical spinal injury  TREATMENT HISTORY  Pt is on pain medication since 10 years  PERSONAL HISTORY  Irregular bowel habit  Normal bladder movement  Mixed diet  Non smoker  Non alcoholic  PHYSICAL EXAMINATION  .patient is conscious,coherent ,and cooperative  .moderately built and moderately nourished  .No signs of --pallor                           .icterus                           .clubbing                           .cynosis     .no edema present     .no lymphadenopathy    .  VITALS   .Temperature-:98.4F   .pulse rate     -:86   .Rp                   -:20/min   .Bp                    -:120/80mm/Hg   .spo2                 -:96 SYS


CKD CASE 20,06,2022 CASE SCENARIO  Pt aged 70 years came to opd with chief complaints of flank pain and decreased urine output  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  Since a week pt has flank pain and decreased urine output   HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS Pt was asymptomatic 4years back than he met with an accident for which he has been taking medication for pain as post operative medication for pain as a result of chronic use of pain medication pt's kidneys got gradually damaged which resulted in kidney failure  TREATMENT HISTORY  patient is on hypertensive therapy since 3 years and pain killers  PERSONAL HISTORY  Regular bowel habbit  Mixed diet  Decreased urine out put  PHYSICAL EXAMINATION  .patient is conscious,coherent ,and cooperative  .moderately built and moderately nourished  .No signs of --pallor                           .icterus                           .clubbing                           .cynosis     .no edema present    .  VITALS   .Temperature-:98.4F   .pulse rate     -:86   .Rp